Thursday, April 25, 2013

My School Life in 2013

Weird thing happen when this year begin,
I am in the 3rd class in junior 2 now and is really rock and suck,
it rock because I don't need to see the guy from last year,
now they are studying in the late class but I am not,
it suck because the teacher is like you know......
like a monster~ haha, sometime anyway,
but sometime she is funny and cute,
I like this teacher more than I hate her.

I got number 16th in my first exam is i was really sad,
I study J2 twice and I can't get a Top 10,
But I did try my best..... it just not they are more smart,
I did get a better score than last year~
last year I got 37% this year is got 52.37%,
not bad right? haha i don't think so,
my mum I study J2 twice,
and i should get a better mark than this,
I do agree with her abit,
my best score is English and Math,
English is 87% and Math is 79.5%,
but i believe I can do better,
my Chinese and BM still suck,
Chinese 35% and BM 27%,
I am Trying my best now.

My school life is going well,
just abit weird sometime,
but I like weird thing,
and I have not idea why,
if you want to add my on FB,
go ahead.... my name is Shiro Bai,
and pm me is you add me,
or I have no idea why to add you,
and I am having hard times with my gf,
but it may have a good side to it,
I can wait till then.

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