Monday, April 30, 2012

SJK (C) Kong Hoe

It was fun playing at that school,
but too bad is only 2 day 1 night,
but it also lucky it only 2 day 1 night,
or imma die,
the kid there are hard to lead,
too playful and very busybody,
i was happy i went,
because i need felt this happy after so long,
they play waterballoon flour etc,
but most of the game has water in them,
so i got super wet and full of flour,
haha got scold cuz of too dunno how to say,
they keep say that i am dating with JC,
not very good friend with her,
how r we dating?
haha but a least i got to know her a bit better,
but too bad senior 1 only go for 1 day,
cuz there got thing to do,
the second day was hard,
but lucky easy,
i hsve fun there,
hoped i can go back and see them again.

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