Saturday, April 27, 2013

A Lame Break Up

Man, what a lame day,
but thank the lord,
he help me get thought it,
i have gone Counselling for two day in a row,
but it did help a bit,
and thank to a spirit that told me,
if 'it' did not told me,
i may be till lost,
haha~ not bad,
i found out that me gf have 2~3 other bf,
and i am one of them,
i found out like 1~2 week ago,
she told me that she was playing with them,
the way she act and the way she talk,
her face and her eye are all full of lies,
i understand why so many people told me not the get close to her,
thank you guy~ thank so much!!
she a Vamp~ if rude bit means Bitch~ more rude is Slut,
but i found out when i saw her phone,
all her text and wechat and stuff,
that was i love you and stuff,
not to me but to other guys,
there was like..... 老公 and alot of heart and stuff,
my eyes was like super huge,
thinking back it looks like a joke,
she keep on lying to me,
treating me like one of her toys,
and i till forgive her,
and i am worry about her,
i am too good-hearted.........
thank to my teacher of taking care of this problem,
i saw her cry.... and i was super shock,
i only wanted to find out the answer not make her sad and cry,
regret see her cry cuz i can't keep calm,
we will be friend again,
just see if she want bo,
we broke up on 24/4/13,
the real broke up was on 27th,
and this was how it went,
thank to that spirit, jesus, my friend, teachers and that light bulb girl.

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