Saturday, April 27, 2013

A Lame Break Up

Man, what a lame day,
but thank the lord,
he help me get thought it,
i have gone Counselling for two day in a row,
but it did help a bit,
and thank to a spirit that told me,
if 'it' did not told me,
i may be till lost,
haha~ not bad,
i found out that me gf have 2~3 other bf,
and i am one of them,
i found out like 1~2 week ago,
she told me that she was playing with them,
the way she act and the way she talk,
her face and her eye are all full of lies,
i understand why so many people told me not the get close to her,
thank you guy~ thank so much!!
she a Vamp~ if rude bit means Bitch~ more rude is Slut,
but i found out when i saw her phone,
all her text and wechat and stuff,
that was i love you and stuff,
not to me but to other guys,
there was like..... 老公 and alot of heart and stuff,
my eyes was like super huge,
thinking back it looks like a joke,
she keep on lying to me,
treating me like one of her toys,
and i till forgive her,
and i am worry about her,
i am too good-hearted.........
thank to my teacher of taking care of this problem,
i saw her cry.... and i was super shock,
i only wanted to find out the answer not make her sad and cry,
regret see her cry cuz i can't keep calm,
we will be friend again,
just see if she want bo,
we broke up on 24/4/13,
the real broke up was on 27th,
and this was how it went,
thank to that spirit, jesus, my friend, teachers and that light bulb girl.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

My School Life in 2013

Weird thing happen when this year begin,
I am in the 3rd class in junior 2 now and is really rock and suck,
it rock because I don't need to see the guy from last year,
now they are studying in the late class but I am not,
it suck because the teacher is like you know......
like a monster~ haha, sometime anyway,
but sometime she is funny and cute,
I like this teacher more than I hate her.

I got number 16th in my first exam is i was really sad,
I study J2 twice and I can't get a Top 10,
But I did try my best..... it just not they are more smart,
I did get a better score than last year~
last year I got 37% this year is got 52.37%,
not bad right? haha i don't think so,
my mum I study J2 twice,
and i should get a better mark than this,
I do agree with her abit,
my best score is English and Math,
English is 87% and Math is 79.5%,
but i believe I can do better,
my Chinese and BM still suck,
Chinese 35% and BM 27%,
I am Trying my best now.

My school life is going well,
just abit weird sometime,
but I like weird thing,
and I have not idea why,
if you want to add my on FB,
go ahead.... my name is Shiro Bai,
and pm me is you add me,
or I have no idea why to add you,
and I am having hard times with my gf,
but it may have a good side to it,
I can wait till then.

Monday, April 30, 2012

SJK (C) Kong Hoe

It was fun playing at that school,
but too bad is only 2 day 1 night,
but it also lucky it only 2 day 1 night,
or imma die,
the kid there are hard to lead,
too playful and very busybody,
i was happy i went,
because i need felt this happy after so long,
they play waterballoon flour etc,
but most of the game has water in them,
so i got super wet and full of flour,
haha got scold cuz of too dunno how to say,
they keep say that i am dating with JC,
not very good friend with her,
how r we dating?
haha but a least i got to know her a bit better,
but too bad senior 1 only go for 1 day,
cuz there got thing to do,
the second day was hard,
but lucky easy,
i hsve fun there,
hoped i can go back and see them again.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Last Chance

sien...wait 4 hour only to my turn to interview(面試),
while i was waiting,
keep talk with friend and show off magic, know wait so long i am the second last to go in,
my friend the last haha..
i saw everyone coming out also laugh,
but dunno why i laugh also no laugh,
very scare before i go in,
but when i go in,
daydream and emo mode ON!!!
but i daydream or emo or not,
i also will not laugh,
because really nothing to laugh at,
the first to speak is sure the head Prefect,
than my leader than my group leader,
and back to the head Prefect,
i am not say anything that happen in there,
or what they say to me,
so i thought i was in,
but to bad of my result,
i did not made it,
but they give me a month the make my result better,
so this is my last chance to get in,
i must improve my result to get in,
i dunno to be happy or not,
because i want to be in it so bad,
and i forgot why i want to be in it......

Saturday, January 7, 2012

A New Day

it a long time since i blog,
cuz of school day and maple and blah blah blah,
and i become my school prefect,
that mean.....i am going to be busy,
but i did make time for myself,
and i stay in a hostel,
so more less time,
it suck sometime but i don't mind,
and i am less emo now,
cuz i have friend now,
real friend that i can trust,
some if then anyway,
this year is maybe the year that i can get a medal,
maybe only la,
my dream is juz to win a medal,
it easy right?
anyway it a new year,
a new class,
a new classmate,
a new start,
for those that still stuck in the past,
let it go,
a new year mean a new chance to start over,
and too weird right(rofl,lmao,lmfao,lol)

Saturday, October 15, 2011

i made me choice(look like it)

If you read my last story(the volleyball or basketball one),
you will know what this mean.
is just that easy,
i am not going to both,
cuz i like running better,
if i add one more i will be just wasting my time,
and next year is a big challenge,
if you want to know what is the big challenge is,
i will tell you next time,
joking i will tell you now,
you three big challenge,
normal one,selangor eight school and all malaysia chinese school challenge,
all also is running,
and i am the form 1 most faster runner,
so if the teacher don't put me,
he is just being weird

Saturday, July 30, 2011

My best and worst week ever

I dunno where to start so i will start from the part i most rmb,
my class is the class vs class volleyball 1st place.....form one only la,
this also got some funny part like i fall down a lot,
why you ask,cuz not to let the ball touch the ground,
noting much,and one more get kick,
he is the one that help us get first place T.T ,
and now he is gone,
i am lost a lot of friend in this school,
and one of my fav and best friend (i don't want to say out her name,here is a tip,she is my XX-gf),
don't talk to me anymore,
and so i think of something to make her talk to me,
i say that i like her again, didn't work,
and so i give up,
and last week i stay at school cuz of camp,
it was fun,but.... too bad is only 2 day 1 night,
i like the camp,we cook our own food,(btw,i am bad with cooking)
sang some song,play some game,
play catching game,i didn't get catch cuz i was hiding,
and the second day...... is more fun,(sorry,i can't rmb the second)
and my high jump get num 7,
i am the only form 1 too get so far,(got one more is also form 1,but he is 15)
and that is all,oh ya and..... i my XX-gf 'can we start again?'