Monday, April 30, 2012

SJK (C) Kong Hoe

It was fun playing at that school,
but too bad is only 2 day 1 night,
but it also lucky it only 2 day 1 night,
or imma die,
the kid there are hard to lead,
too playful and very busybody,
i was happy i went,
because i need felt this happy after so long,
they play waterballoon flour etc,
but most of the game has water in them,
so i got super wet and full of flour,
haha got scold cuz of too dunno how to say,
they keep say that i am dating with JC,
not very good friend with her,
how r we dating?
haha but a least i got to know her a bit better,
but too bad senior 1 only go for 1 day,
cuz there got thing to do,
the second day was hard,
but lucky easy,
i hsve fun there,
hoped i can go back and see them again.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Last Chance

sien...wait 4 hour only to my turn to interview(面試),
while i was waiting,
keep talk with friend and show off magic, know wait so long i am the second last to go in,
my friend the last haha..
i saw everyone coming out also laugh,
but dunno why i laugh also no laugh,
very scare before i go in,
but when i go in,
daydream and emo mode ON!!!
but i daydream or emo or not,
i also will not laugh,
because really nothing to laugh at,
the first to speak is sure the head Prefect,
than my leader than my group leader,
and back to the head Prefect,
i am not say anything that happen in there,
or what they say to me,
so i thought i was in,
but to bad of my result,
i did not made it,
but they give me a month the make my result better,
so this is my last chance to get in,
i must improve my result to get in,
i dunno to be happy or not,
because i want to be in it so bad,
and i forgot why i want to be in it......