Saturday, July 30, 2011

My best and worst week ever

I dunno where to start so i will start from the part i most rmb,
my class is the class vs class volleyball 1st place.....form one only la,
this also got some funny part like i fall down a lot,
why you ask,cuz not to let the ball touch the ground,
noting much,and one more get kick,
he is the one that help us get first place T.T ,
and now he is gone,
i am lost a lot of friend in this school,
and one of my fav and best friend (i don't want to say out her name,here is a tip,she is my XX-gf),
don't talk to me anymore,
and so i think of something to make her talk to me,
i say that i like her again, didn't work,
and so i give up,
and last week i stay at school cuz of camp,
it was fun,but.... too bad is only 2 day 1 night,
i like the camp,we cook our own food,(btw,i am bad with cooking)
sang some song,play some game,
play catching game,i didn't get catch cuz i was hiding,
and the second day...... is more fun,(sorry,i can't rmb the second)
and my high jump get num 7,
i am the only form 1 too get so far,(got one more is also form 1,but he is 15)
and that is all,oh ya and..... i my XX-gf 'can we start again?'