Friday, March 11, 2011

lose competition.......but fun

The competition end yesterday,i didn't win......the funny part is i faint two time,first time is i run 400m,after running i was going to faint,but the pain woke me up,i got fourth,wednesday i run 4x100m,that was noting we just got a 6-7 place i think,last is 4x400,this time i use a bit too mush to run......we were at last place but when it was my turn we were at 7 place,i dash to my shoe came off but i keep running to catch up,i promise my friend that i will do that,i faint after running,my left leg was hurt,it still hurt right now,we got six place i think,that time i was out,it was fun,i hope next year will be more fun

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Competition is coming

Omggg!!!!next monday start competition,i tuesday go run 400m wednesday run 4x100m thursday run 4x400m,sure very hard to win,got 1 state ppl at our team,dunno can win or not.......