Saturday, October 15, 2011

i made me choice(look like it)

If you read my last story(the volleyball or basketball one),
you will know what this mean.
is just that easy,
i am not going to both,
cuz i like running better,
if i add one more i will be just wasting my time,
and next year is a big challenge,
if you want to know what is the big challenge is,
i will tell you next time,
joking i will tell you now,
you three big challenge,
normal one,selangor eight school and all malaysia chinese school challenge,
all also is running,
and i am the form 1 most faster runner,
so if the teacher don't put me,
he is just being weird

Saturday, July 30, 2011

My best and worst week ever

I dunno where to start so i will start from the part i most rmb,
my class is the class vs class volleyball 1st place.....form one only la,
this also got some funny part like i fall down a lot,
why you ask,cuz not to let the ball touch the ground,
noting much,and one more get kick,
he is the one that help us get first place T.T ,
and now he is gone,
i am lost a lot of friend in this school,
and one of my fav and best friend (i don't want to say out her name,here is a tip,she is my XX-gf),
don't talk to me anymore,
and so i think of something to make her talk to me,
i say that i like her again, didn't work,
and so i give up,
and last week i stay at school cuz of camp,
it was fun,but.... too bad is only 2 day 1 night,
i like the camp,we cook our own food,(btw,i am bad with cooking)
sang some song,play some game,
play catching game,i didn't get catch cuz i was hiding,
and the second day...... is more fun,(sorry,i can't rmb the second)
and my high jump get num 7,
i am the only form 1 too get so far,(got one more is also form 1,but he is 15)
and that is all,oh ya and..... i my XX-gf 'can we start again?'

Saturday, June 11, 2011

What The ...........


My friend are getting more and more less,

some is do bad thing and get kick out,

some is they don't want study anymore,

the guy that run with me go kick out cuz of fighting,

he was just playing fighting with him,

the teacher saw them fight,

they were took to meet the teacher that took care of this thing,

that guy say a lot of thing that the guy did not do,

the guy just got angry and punch that guy in font of the teacher,

and he got kick out,(it a little...... but i will fix it)

and a girl that i had a crush,(not the last time that one)(is coco)

i think that she don't want study anymore or is parent,

i miss her so much,

one more guy also he don't like that school and living there,

so he quit that school,

my phone RM2++ gone,

but i know who is that guy that took it,

so now i can't trust anyone,

on that day that i went to V2 camp call L.O.L.,

i got friend again that i can trust,

like Jeff,Samuel,Aaron,Anthea,Ellisha,Garrett,TeeHan and more,

and i meet new friend like TeeJuan,Eli,David,Darren,Grace and more,

it just the first time seeing Eli and she became my new best friend,

i dunno why she became my best friend just in a day,

most of the ppl that become my best friend need like a week,

David also became my best friend,

but he is in two day then only became my new friend,

and i think that i have a crush on Eli.

i will continued next time......if i have free time(sorry for my bad english)

Saturday, May 21, 2011

大马是全球唯一絕對不能惹的國家! - copy from joyce.........





1) 一人去炸KLCC時塞车塞了2小时,结果在车龙里爆炸了;

2) 一人在Jb骑摩哆被人在半路载停,结果背包被抢了;

3) 一人在KL交通灯前因为horn了别的车辆一声,结果被路霸打到进医院去了;

4) 一人在怡保驾车因为跟着路牌走,结果去了Lumut;

5) 一人去炸Bintang Walk;在路旁就被人拉了去找小姐,结果把任务忘记了;

6) 一人曾經嘗試在PJ银行放炸弹,結果在银行门口就給摩哆匪搶了,人还被拖了100 m;

7) 一人剛到金宝就失聯,後來在醫院找到人,但卻是在昏迷當中,醫生說他吃了金宝老鼠粉,可能會成為植物人;

8)一人去了kota tinggi;刚好下了一场雨,就水灾了,结果炸药也湿水了

9) 一人成功地在吧生港口炸港,死傷數百人,潛回基地組織後,半年都沒見任何到有关的新聞報導,遂被組織以"謊報戰果罪"報處決了(這個最可憐!);


Sunday, May 1, 2011

Basketball or Volleyball?which one should i enter???

On the day i enter Chung Hua i keep thinking,

what team should i enter,

Basketball,Volleyball or Running?

To now i just enter running,

my friend call me go back to basketball,

but i want to go volleyball,


Dunno which better for me......

Friday, March 11, 2011

lose competition.......but fun

The competition end yesterday,i didn't win......the funny part is i faint two time,first time is i run 400m,after running i was going to faint,but the pain woke me up,i got fourth,wednesday i run 4x100m,that was noting we just got a 6-7 place i think,last is 4x400,this time i use a bit too mush to run......we were at last place but when it was my turn we were at 7 place,i dash to my shoe came off but i keep running to catch up,i promise my friend that i will do that,i faint after running,my left leg was hurt,it still hurt right now,we got six place i think,that time i was out,it was fun,i hope next year will be more fun

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Competition is coming

Omggg!!!!next monday start competition,i tuesday go run 400m wednesday run 4x100m thursday run 4x400m,sure very hard to win,got 1 state ppl at our team,dunno can win or not.......

Saturday, February 26, 2011

I hurt my back and neck and it is killing me!!!!

Yesterday,i was training my high jump,i forgot the most basic part of high jump,but i did not care about it,when i jump it did not felt right,when i land,i hurt my neck,i was go to cry at that time and i can't move,it took three ppl to pull me up,ouch!!!,it hurt a lot!!!,a took a rest and i when for it again,this time i hurt my back,it was pain but i could stand by myself that time,i did not tell them,i try again,oh no!! i land on my neck again,i was killing me,they pull me up again,they say :if i jump again i  am going to be kill,so i when back to my room and rest.

Friday, February 11, 2011

My first time blogging

This is my first time blogging,I have no idea how to i hope that somebody can help me......